If you have the desire to learn how to safely and effectively wield a sword theatrically, PALPABLE HIT PRODUCTIONS' Rapier for the Stage and Screen: The De Longis Method is for you. This double-video course in theatrical swordplay is the perfect teaching tool for both the novice and the experienced swordsperson.
"The tape was professionally produced... Your presentation was well prepared and delivered clearly...Your personality and presentation was excellent." -- Bob Anderson - Swordmaster and
Actor Action Coordinator, The Princess Bride, The Mask of Zorro, First Knight, Lord of the Rings
Contents of the video includes instruction and drills covering:
"I have to say being a total no nothing with a sword that this video is GREAT. Mr. Delongis explains everything so well, he makes it look easy.... I understood everything he was trying to teach." -- Derek Paradis
Now available in NTSC or PAL format on one videocassette for the low price of US$34.95. Running time: 117 minutes (California residents add 8.25% sales tax). Include $5/video for shipping and handling for orders to the U.S. (by Priority Mail), Canada and Mexico (by Air Mail), and $10/video for overseas orders. Foreign orders are accepted, payment made by U.S. funds money order. Unless PAL format is specifically requested, orders will be shipped in NTSC format.
"I have recently purchased the Rapier video....Excellent....It greatly has augmented my martial arts sword kata skills and just plain historically interesting. -- Eric Ericksen
"Anthony De Longis' theatrical fencing work has always been of the highest caliber, epitomized by his classic "Mysterious Circle" duel on THE HIGHLANDER television series. He has now transferred his considerable skill and knowledge to a learning video, which will be of immense interest to actors, fight arrangers, and sword enthusiasts alike. Mr. De Longis' approach to stage and film sword combat is delivered in a manner that is both clear and precise, making it the ideal for all levels of aspiring swashbucklers. As a fencing master of nearly thirty years, I recommend this video highly." -- Nick Evangelista, author of The Encyclopedia of the Sword and The Art and Science of Fencing
This video teaches Mr. De Longis' unique style of stage and film swordfighting in short, sequential, easy-to-follow lessons. It includes a rigorous safety protocol, practical parries, visually effective cuts and thrusts, and a series of training drills with which to hone your skills. Whether you are a professional performer wishing to increase your skills, or a hobbyist wanting to further your appreciation of choreographed swordplay, this video will help you develop the skills you need to perform!
![]() Anthony, Ed and Bob |
Sword Assistant: Robert Chapin Director: Ed Douglas |
Also available is the companion instruction manual. This spiral-bound manual contains a 39-page transcription of the videocassette and a 23-page appendix of the drills demonstrated. Easy-to-read, this manual is an invaluable asset in your rehearsal and training.
The companion instruction manual can be yours for US$14. Postage if bought individually is $2 via Air Mail and $5 via Priority Mail. If purchased with Rapier for the Stage and Screen, postage is free.
Send checks, payable to:
Palpable Hit Productions
P.O. Box 2445
Canyon Country, CA 91386-2445
Allow 2-4 weeks delivery in North America; . For more information, or to inquire about rush delivery, send email to Palpable Hit Productions
Are you a retailer interested in carrying our videos? For wholesale information, please contact Mary Gallien. We will be happy to send you details.
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Copyright 1999-2004 Palpable Hit Productions. All contents provided by Anthony De Longis unless otherwise stated. Contents not owned by Anthony De Longis or Palpable Hit Productions are used with the permission of the copyright owner. Unauthorized use of these contents without the written permission of Anthony De Longis, his legal representative, or original copyright owner is prohibited.
This page designed and maintained by Scorpio Rising. Send comments to Mary.
This page last updated September 15, 2004