1. "His approach is more concerned with the people, the characters, than getting fancy with technique."  
    - Benjamin Hendrickson, Actor   

          " I'd like to specifically say that I very much appreciate your teaching skills. You were able to communicate not only what you wanted me to to go for, but specifically what I was doing instead, and the differences. That is a huge gift, and one that few people, teachers or otherwise, have to give." - Jonathan Kessler, Private Student

Teacher / Trainer

De Longis has a streamlined teaching style that prepares students for safe, skilled, and memorable performances.

Anthony is a published writer, contributing numerous articles on the sword and whip in both martial arts and stage & film publications since 1992.

Member of the International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame, US Martial Arts Hall of Fame, Black Belt Hall of Fame, Kenpo Karate Hall of Fame, and Ultimate Warrior's Hall of Fame.